Saturday, February 17, 2018

Please excuse the mess...we'll be back with details on the new design as soon as it's polished up!


  1. Thank you Bunny and Suze, it is exciting!

  2. is something happening?? yay!!! :)

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  9. This comment might seem off topic but you all will want to hear this!!

    We all knew a time when 1 BitCoin was worth more than $13,000 then it suddenly just crashed and now worth just $6,000.

    People never seem to know and understand the reason behind these drop and i will explain that to you.

    There was a total amount of BitCoin generated from the start by the developers at first and since its becoming valuable there was need to generate more of it. You all didn't get that right? Let me explain better.

    So imagine from the beginning the developers of bit coin generated 10,000,000 BitCoin at first. Now these 10,000,000 BitCoin circulated to individuals, so when the 10,000,000 BitCoin was already owned by individuals all over the world it started increasing in value.
    Now the developers saw that thier crypto currency has gotten more value but less individuals owned it, there was need to generate more of it for more individuals to own.
    And what better way is there to generate more of BitCoin?

    1 BitCoin = $13,000.
    10,000,000 BitCoin = $130,000,000,000.
    So there is $130,000,000,000 in the internet.
    Then the idea came to the developers!!
    Let's crash the price of BitCoin, use the remaining amount to generate more BitCoin.
    That is:
    Since BitCoin has built $130,000,000,000 in the internet, cut the price and generate more.
    I mean
    1 BitCoin = $13,000 then Now
    1 BitCoin = $6,000
    So from 1 BitCoin, 2.2 BitCoin can be generated.
    Now the question is where is the newly generated BitCoin?

    It's are everywhere in the internet!!!
    Its in every website you enter.
    Its in every social media platform.
    Its anywhere in the world!!
    Its in North America.
    Its in South America.
    Its in Africa.
    Its in Asia.
    Its in Europe.
    Its scattered everywhere!!!
    All you need to do is start Mining it.
    Now how do you start Mining these crypto currency?
    There are lots of BitCoin Mining software you can use for mining BitCoin.
    You can get these Mining software from
    *Soft Tech Geeks:
    *Dread Syp:

    Have been using it a lot, I Mine anytime I want and have been making a lot from it.

    Some will say, why is he sharing it now?
    Some will say, if that's how easy it is why not Mine alone? So you can get it all for yourself.

    Well the developers are smart, they put a mining limit to it. The idea was not for a single person to have it, or for a particular group of people.

    The idea was for everyone, everywhere in the world to posses these crypto currency, not for just one individual or a particular region.


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